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Interneting Is Hard (But it doesn’t have to be)

Sâmbătă, 6 Februarie 2021
visibility 1697  

Learning to code shouldn’t be hard. We’re making it easier by putting together a comprehensive set of web development tutorials to help transform complete beginners into talented Interneting professionals. We’ve got the curriculum, all you need is the motivation to start reading it.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript are the languages that run the web. They’re very closely related, but they’re also designed for very specific tasks. Understanding how they interact will go a long way towards becoming a web developer. We’ll be expanding on this throughout the tutorial, but the gist of it is:

  • HTML is for adding meaning to raw content by marking it up.
  • CSS is for formatting that marked up content.
  • JavaScript is for making that content and formatting interactive.

Think of HTML as the abstract text and images behind a web page, CSS as the page that actually gets displayed, and JavaScript as the behaviors that can manipulate both HTML and CSS.